Full Form of TEACHER :
Talented Educated Adorable Charming Helpful Encouraging and Responsible
There is no Full Form for TEACHER. There are several hypothetical derivations of the Full Form of Teacher which is meant to represent a position. TEACHER can be expanded as Talented Educated Adorable Charming Helpful Encouraging and Responsible position.
In general, a teacher is a role or profession of an individual who helps to educate students in colleges, schools, universities, and similar setups. Thus, anyone who takes the role of a teacher is supposed to have all the above-mentioned attitudes.

One should have a specific minimum qualification and training to become a teacher. However, this level of qualification and experience could vary based on whether the individual works for a school or university. Anything from a bachelor’s degree to a master’s degree to a Ph.D. and more with relevant training qualifies an individual to take up a career in teaching. Nevertheless, the most significant requirement is to have the passion and attitude to educate.