Full Form of SAS

Full Form of SAS

Statistical Analysis System

SAS Full Form is Statistical Analysis System. SAS is an extremely efficient software suite that is developed and released by the SAS Institute which is based in North Carolina. Since its release, SAS has become extremely popular among the software services that are used for analysis and management of data. The development of SAS started in 1966 and it continued till 2010. Its ultimate stable release took place in 2013.


This software provides services in the fields of advanced analytics, predictive analytics, multivariate analysis, data management, and business intelligence. Non-technical and new users can make use of its point-and-click interface. Expert users can make use of advanced services through the developed programming language of SAS. The retrieval and manipulation of data, from various sources, are done by SAS step.

The analysis of the data is done through PROC step which contains over 300 procedures. These two steps are collectively called the DATA step. SAS is mainly used to analyze consumer behavior and to track fraudulent actions over various networks. This software system contains components which are over 200 in their numbers. The output delivery function allows the SAS data to be published in various formats like PDF or EXCEL. Most of the experts prefer and recommend to use this software.