Full Form of CCE
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
CCE Full Form is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. CCE is a new method of the system, which has been introduced by CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education in India. This applies to students studying in CBSE system of education between 6th and 10th grade or 12th grade. The main objective of CCE is to assess each aspect of a student at the school. This is supposed to bring down the pressure of examination on a child.
This is because; the students are prepared well for many tests conducted throughout the year. CCE method claims to have created huge changes from the conventional talk and chalk methods of teaching. However, for it to be highly effective, it has to be implemented appropriately.

CCE Full Form – Additional Information
The CBSE has introduced a new education system in India which is referred to as CCE or Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. In Andhra Pradesh, the Rajiv Vidhya Mission as well as the School Education Directorate has introduced this system from the classes 1st to 10th. It helps in evaluating the child’s every aspect while he or she studies in school. If the implementation of the system is accurate, a large number of changes are brought about from the traditional methodology of teaching.
In this system, grades are awarded to students instead of marks. The evaluation of these grades is done through the extracurricular as well as curricular activities organized throughout the academic year. Thus, the overall ability of the students is measured in accordance with their skills of work experience, project work, public speaking, innovation, written items, behaviour, teamwork, dexterity, steadiness, etc.
Formative Assessment
In the CCE system, the progress of a student is monitored by his or her teacher in a supportive and non-threatening environment. The progress is determined with the help of work done by the students at home and class. Their performance in quizzes and oral tests is also taken into account, along with the quality of the assignments submitted by them. In an academic year, the formative tests are taken 4 times.
There are certain schools where instead of taking numerous oral tests, an extra written test is taken. But in-spite of this, a minimum of 1 oral test is taken. The FA provides the means of getting effective feedback. The students, with the help of this system, can assess themselves effectively. It helps in incorporating various styles of learning. The teachers can adjust their methods of teaching in accordance with the assessment results. The system takes into account the prior knowledge of the students.
Summative Assessment
It is basically a written test conducted two times every year. Its duration extends to 3 hours. After the completion of 1st two formatives, the 1st summative commonly referred to as SA-1 is taken. After the next 2 formatives, the second summative, which is referred to as SA-2 is taken. A weightage of 30% is carried by each summative. A sixty percent weightage is carried by both of them in the aggregate. The school takes the summative assessment by itself. The CBSE partially prepares the question papers.
The monitoring of the answer sheets’ evaluation is done by the CBSE. Once a summative gets completed, the repetition of its syllabus is not done in the next summative. The new topics are taught in the next summative. When the academic year ends, the result is processed by the CBSE by summing the summative score and the formative score. The CGPA is then deduced in accordance with the percentage obtained by the student, followed by the deduction of the grade obtained.
Additional Evaluation Methods
Some additional evaluation methods are employed in CCE. For example, an online aptitude test is offered by the CBSE for aiding students in selecting the subjects for higher studies. The board uses deductive methods, along with their correlation with practical situations and usage of IT. In the deductive method, the knowledge of the student and its usage in explaining a situation is assessed. The situation is then correlated with the real-world situations, such as floods, tsunamis, etc.
This is followed by assessing the usage of information technology for solving the problem. Additionally, numerous assignments like survey, group work, models, seminars, worksheet, etc are also given to the students. A major role is played by the teacher too. They, for instance, can maintain checklist and record of students every term and provide the required remedial assistance.
Advantages of CCE
Numerous benefits accompany the CCE pattern. The students are encouraged to learn new things when teachers employ new techniques of teaching. The student’s potential as well as learning requirements are explored with the help of this pattern. Instead of focusing entirely on academics, they are encouraged to take part in cultural activities. The pressure of studies on students is reduced since the CBSE portion is segmented into smaller parts.
This pattern is especially beneficial to the students of the tenth class since they can select the subjects properly, keeping in mind their aptitude, academic performance, and interests. It also aids in encouraging thinking abilities, emotional and life skills. This pattern involves the reading of long texts. Due to this, the novel-reading habit is encouraged among the students.
For getting the above advantages from the CCE pattern, there are certain points which must be kept in mind. For example, the number of activities used for assessing the students must not be very high. If this instruction is not followed, the pattern will start giving counterproductive results. The syllabus must be based on concepts and should follow a practical approach, rather than based on theory.