Full Form of ABN AMRO

Full Form of ABN AMRO

Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) AMsterdam ROtterdam (AMRO)

ABN AMRO Full Form is Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) AMsterdam ROtterdam (AMRO). ABN AMRO is a bank in Netherland that is under public ownership. This bank was established in 1991 as a result of the merger of ABN and AMRO Bank. This bank does not only operate in Netherland, but it also provides its services in a number of countries abroad. The logo of ABN AMRO was designed by Landor Associates. This bank is now under the complete ownership of the Dutch government.

Full Form of ABN AMRO
Full Form of ABN AMRO


Headquartered in Amsterdam, ABN AMRO provides services and products in private, retail, investment, and commercial banking, management of assets and mortgages etc. It offers specific expert services internationally. ABNAMRO operates in about 15 countries through their highly developed offices. The omnichannel distribution is used to offer the customers and clients with advanced technological facilities. This bank has a highly developed mobile app for banking purposes. It also concentrates heavily on the factor of internet banking.


ABN AMRO focuses on sustainable banking and energy management issues to help the society and contribute to the system of the environment. It also has a number of subsidiaries related to corporate, retail, and private banking. ABN AMRO sponsors a number of programs in sports, arts, culture, education etc. Partner of the Future program is intended to coach the budding entrepreneurs with adequate skills in business management and strategic marketing.