10 Best SEO Tips to Rank Higher in SERP

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. What does it mean? Well, it means optimizing your site or blog for Google. If you want to rank higher on Google, you’ll need to follow these simple steps.

The Internet has become a major part of our lives. In fact, over 2.5 billion people now access the web through their mobile devices. This makes it imperative for businesses to optimize their websites for mobile searches.


To get started, you should start by creating a sitemap. Then, you can add keywords to each page. Finally, you can create Meta tags to help Google better index your pages.

In this post, we’ll 10 smart SEO tips that will increase your organic traffic.

Let’s get started.


10 Best SEO Tips to Increase Website Ranking and Traffic 

  1. Use Video & Optimize It with Keywords

Nowadays, video has become one of the best ways to advertise online. People love watching videos because they are easy to digest and consume. Videos also help increase brand awareness and trust among consumers.

As a matter of fact, according to HubSpot research, video marketing helps boost lead generation by 40%. So, if you want to get more leads, then you should consider adding videos to your website.

Video is one of the best ways to increase organic traffic and improve conversions. You can use video marketing to promote your products and services.

You can also use videos as an effective way to explain things. For example, if you have a product with a complicated feature, you can make a short video explaining how to use it.

You can also use YouTube to upload videos about your business. Make sure they’re relevant to your niche and include keywords.


  1. Create Content That People Want To Read

If you want to increase organic traffic, then you should focus on providing quality content that users want to read. The more interesting your articles, the more likely they are to be shared.

The reason why most bloggers fail at SEO is that they try to write too much content. They think that writing lots of articles will help them gain rankings. But that’s not true.

Instead, you should write content that people actually like reading. If you do this correctly, then you’ll be able to achieve a high search engine ranking. Your goal should be to provide value to your readers. After all, they spend time on your site and they should come back again.

If you do not know what kind of content gets shared the most, pay attention to the comments section? People share posts that they find helpful, funny, or entertaining. You can also use AI writing assistant that use artificial intelligence to create SEO optimized content fast.


  1. Include Alt Text on Images

It’s no secret that images play a big role in user experience. When people click images, they expect to see something interesting. However, when images don’t have alt text, visitors might assume that there isn’t any important information behind the image.

To make sure that your images look good, you should always optimize them with alt text. This allows you to describe what the image shows so that users know exactly what they should expect.


  1. Improve Page Speed

Google has made it clear that speed is one of the most important factors that determine where your website ranks. It’s recommended that you avoid using Flash and CSS animations.

Page speed has become a major issue for websites today. If your site takes too long to load, visitors will leave before even landing on your homepage.

To optimize page speed, make all images as small as possible. Also, reduce the number of third-party scripts on your page.

However, you still want to make sure that your website loads fast. Therefore, it’s important to use schema markup code to improve page loading speed. A website that is slow load means fewer visits and less revenue for businesses.


  1. Use Long-Tail Keywords in Title Tags And Meta Descriptions

Most websites follow the 80/20 rule. This simply states that 20% of your pages should contain long-tail keywords while the rest should focus on broad match keywords.

However, some people end up focusing too much on broad match keywords. While these keywords bring customers to your site, they won’t direct traffic to specific pages.

Instead, use long-tail keywords in the title tags and Meta descriptions. These keywords should appear in the first few sentences of each post. You can SEMrush to find low-traffic long-tail keywords. To get started use SEMrush free trial.


  1. Have a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the button at the end of every webpage. Most users click on CTAs because they want something from your website.

For example, if you sell shoes online, then your call to action might say “Order Now.” Your goal is to direct customers to places where they can purchase your products.


  1. Build Quality Links on Your Website

Links aren’t just important for increasing your rankings; they’re also crucial for building an authority profile.

In order to build quality links, you need to start by creating unique content. This will help you attract new audiences who will link to your blog or website.

Next, you must contact other bloggers and ask them to share your content. Finally, you can comment on relevant blogs and request guest posting opportunities.

Quality links are crucial for search engine optimization. They help boost your ranking.


  1. Create User-Friendly Navigation

Having a well-organized website makes it easier for users to navigate through your pages. The navigation bar should be easy to understand and simple to use.

Users should easily find their way around your site without being confused. They should also be able to locate the sections that they are interested in quickly.


  1. Optimize Images For Mobile Devices

The average user spends about 90 minutes going through his or her mobile device each day. However, only 3% of the world’s population owns a smartphone.

This means that most people go straight to Google when searching for information. As such, optimizing your images for mobile devices can increase your chances of getting found.


  1. Keep Track Of All Analytics Data

Analytics are used to measure how effective your website is performing. You should monitor all data, including:

  • How many users visit your site each month?
  • What type of users are visiting your site
  • Which pages get the most views?
  • Where the biggest spikes in activity occur

It’s imperative that you keep track of your analytics data so that you can determine which areas of your website need improvement.


  1. Update Your Site Frequently

SEO changes constantly. New algorithms come out often that affect how search engines rank websites.

That’s why it’s so important to keep track of these updates and implement changes accordingly. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to SEO. Try to use the same keyword phrase throughout your entire website.

This will help search engines understand what your page is about. Using different variations of the same word could confuse visitors and hurt your rankings.



If you want more organic traffic on your website, you have to learn how to optimize your site. By following this list, you’ll be able to create a better user experience for those who visit your site.