What type of anxiety medication is the least addictive?

Those looking for non-addictive anxiety medication can benefit from this guide. It includes a list of all the medicines that can help cope with the anxiety symptoms without causing any kind of dependency. 

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a condition that is associated with the way your body responds to nerve-racking situations. It causes a variety of indications, most notably, feelings of fear and uneasiness about what’s about to come. While it’s normal to experience Anxiety occasionally, constant restlessness may need special medical attention. Persistent anxiety can have a direct impact on a person’s daily life, preventing them from engaging in activities that they previously enjoyed.


Anxiety is pretty common in the United Kingdom, and so are its treatments. However, before we get into the treatments and see what type of anxiety medication is the least addictive, let’s first discuss its symptoms and causes.

Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety is much more than encompassing feelings of worry. This mental disorder can cause increased heart rate, hyperventilation, panic attacks and leave you restless and nervous for days. Less serious symptoms include insomnia, muscle tension, weakness, tiredness, excessive sweating, headache, and stomach pain.

Anxiety Causes

This neurological condition can be triggered by a number of factors. A few of the most frequent causes include:

  • Environmental stressors such as business meetings, interviews, family problems, etc. are among the common causes of anxiety. How? During unpleasant and stressful conditions, the brain fills the nervous system with cortical and adrenaline, both of which have been shown to produce significant restlessness and uneasiness.
  • Taking certain medications might also cause or worsen your Anxiety – but as a side-effect. Antidepressants, stimulants, decongestants, thyroids drugs, and anabolic steroids are the most prominent medications that are habitually linked with Anxiety.  
  • Genetics also plays a role in the development of Anxiety at times. This cause is still not yet scientifically proven.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body is also likely to cause Anxiety. According to one research, Low thyroid and progesterone levels are especially linked to increased stress and anxiety. When you’re worried, your adrenal glands are called upon to respond.
  • Abrupt withdrawal from steroids, sleeping pills, and other sedatives have also been shown to exacerbate anxiety symptoms by up to 50%.

How anxiety is diagnosed

If you have Anxiety, the health professional will likely diagnose the condition based on your current health, medical history, the severity of symptoms, and blood tests. In case your condition is extremely complex, he may also conduct a neurological examination.

Coping with Anxiety

Once the condition has been properly diagnosed, you and your doctor will explore the treatment options. Usually, medical attention isn’t needed; you just need to make specific lifestyle changes to manage the anxiety symptoms. However, in severe cases, you may want to have a special treatment to make them go. Anxiety treatments broadly fall into two categories: medication and psychotherapy. We will only discuss medications in this leaflet.  


Anxiety and insomnia connection 

Anxiety is the primary cause of insomnia and vice versa. Although the exact prevalence of anxiety among insomniacs and insomnia among anxious people is unknown, the two disorders are linked by various physical and mental factors. Nevertheless, this interplay can cause many unpleasant sensations in your body throughout the day. 


Non-additive sleeping pills for Anxiety

A lot of Sleeping pills can ease the symptoms of Anxiety. You should talk with the doctor about which one is suitable for you. He will consider your mental health conditions and age and prescribe the drug accordingly. 


Although medication is the most cost-effective way to treat persistent uneasiness, there is one problem. Some sleeping pills can cause addiction. Yes, that’s right. They can result in uncontrollable craving, which is characterized by when you need excess of the particular drug to satisfy yourself. 


Opioids are one such medication that has a history of abuse. Doctors highly recommend people avoid them. Well, finding a non-addictive anxiety medicine can make a big difference in preventing addiction relapse. Simply put, go for the medication that doesn’t have addictive potential.


What type of anxiety medication is the least addictive?

Below are the five most popular non-addictive anxiety medications available:

·       Buspar

Buspar is an over-the-counter sleeping pillthat belongs to the class “azapirone”. It works by impacting the neurotransmitters in the brain, and its efficacy is extensively documented for treating anxiety disorders. This drug, in particular, is a serotonin receptor agonist, which indicates it predominantly boosts the function of the brain’s serotonin receptors. Serotonin receptors aid in the development of sensations of happiness and ease and enhance sleeping, digestion, and thinking.  


·       SSRIs

SSRI stands for Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This class of drugs also includes medications that work on serotonin in the brain. Although SSRIs were originally created to treat depression, they are now widely used to treat a variety of anxiety disorders as well. How? When taken orally, SSRI increases the amount of serotonin in the brain, which in turn reduces anxiety thoughts. SSRIs are considered safe for long-term usage as well. There is no risk of physical dependence even in people with severe suicidal and addictive tendencies. 


However, it is important to note that these drugs must be gradually administered into your body to prevent uncomfortable side effects. In general, most health professionals carry out a gradual increase in the dosage over four to eight weeks. This also means it may take a lot of time before you witness the desired results.


·       Beta-blockers

Beta-blockers are most often prescribed for temporarily relieving anxiety symptoms. Unlike SSRIs and Buspar, beta-blockers do not affect the chemical balance of your brain; instead, they block the effects of adrenaline and epinephrine. 


Epinephrine is a hormone that triggers the acute stress response and causes Anxiety. Propranolol, atenolol, and acebutolol are the three most commonly beta-blockers used for Anxiety relief.


·       Vistaril

This non-addictive anti-anxiety medication is also highly effective in temporarily coping with anxiety symptoms and insomnia. Vistaril works by blocking the histamine receptor, a chemical responsible for regulating your mood and managing local immune responses. Well, to see a notable improvement, you should Vistaril by mouth two to three times a day. 


·       SNRIs

SNRIs have a substantial effect on a person’s mood and sleep quality. These strong sleeping pills regulate serotonin and norepinephrine levels by preventing these neurotransmitters from being quickly absorbed by brain cells. So with this stabilization, SNRIs enhance a person’s state of mind, relieve stress, and alleviate depression symptoms. 


Remember, SNRIs do have some side effects. Though they vary from medicine to medicine, the most common ones include dry mouth, nausea, hyperhidrosis, dizziness, insomnia, sleep apnea, and headache.

Selecting the best anxiety medication

You should schedule an appointment with your health professional if you’re experiencing anxiety symptoms because generally, the cause of your Anxiety determines the type of medication you are prescribed. Furthermore, an underlying reason, such as a medical ailment or genetic issue, can sometimes be identified and treated beforehand, which is far more successful than just coping with the anxiety symptoms.

Buy sleeping pills online

If you are looking for a legit provider to Buy Sleeping pills in the UK, look no further than Buy Sleeping Pill UK Online Whether its Vistaril or beta-blocker or SNRI you want, it has got you covered. With over eight years of experience, this online store brings you safe, cost-effects medications to help you cope with all the neurological conditions!