Full Form of SDO

Full Form of SDO

Service Data Objects

SDO Full Form is Service Data Objects. SDO is an advanced technical framework intended for the development of data application. SDO allows the system or the user to detect or receive data from various heterogeneous sources and efficiently access it in a uniform way. Officially published in 2004, the advanced framework of SDO includes an architecture and API (Application Programme Interface).


Simply put, SDO is basically designed such that it can streamline the processing of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). They key advantage of SDO is that it can be used with both static and dynamic interfaces. This allows the application programme to implement SDO in a smooth way. SDO was the result of a collaboration between IBM and BEA Systems.

SDO incorporates J2EE patterns, simplifies J2EE programming model, supports and executes the integration of XML, abstracts collected data in SOA, supports disconnected programme models, efficiently separates data access code from application access code, provides easy introspection of data types with the help of meta-data, unifies the development of various data applications, and it also has the model that is basically language neutral. SDO is now a part of SCA (Service Component Architecture), and since 2007, it is now being developed by members of OASIS Open CSA (Composite Services Architecture).