Full Form of PRT
Primary Teacher
PRT Full Form is Primary Teacher. PRT simply refers to those teachers who teach the students at the primary level of education. Primary teachers are responsible for sowing a healthy seed of education inside the children they teach. As they are among those first few people who teaches a child, the importance of PRTs is huge and immense regarding the healthy future of a child.

PRTs are selected and appointed through tests (TET – Teacher’s Eligibility Test) and interviews which are annually conducted by the respective recruitment authorities of the states. The primary criterion to become a PRT is to have at least 50% marks in the Higher Secondary level with at least 50% marks in the Diploma or Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education.
More emphasis is given to the academic criteria related to Elementary Education because it is necessary for the PRTs to understand the various psychological dimensions and complexities of the children. PRTs are employees of the Primary Education Board/ Councils of the states. The salary structure for PRTs are is same in most of the states and it generally varies according to the allotment of DA by the state governments. PRTs are very important parts of our life if we analyze their role from a social perspective. They not only help buds to become flowers, but they help to lay a strong foundation for the society by providing the primary education.