Full Form of ALU
Arithmetic Logic Unit
ALU Full Form is Arithmetic Logic Unit. ALU is basically a computer digital circuit which performs Arithmetic and Logical operations. It is one of the primary building blocks of any computer circuits. The ALU is designed exclusively to perform mathematical and logical operations. It is one of the integral parts of computer’s CPU unit that is responsible for carrying out all arithmetic functions in computer brain. However, in a CPU more than one ALU units are employed to achieve the desired speed and calculation limit.
ALU consist of three parallel data buses of which two are operands and one is result data. Data bus is nothing it’s a group of signals that convey binary integer number. Logically it deals with opcode and operands only. Opcode tells which operation needs to be performed on the operand by the ALU. The resultant value is stored into the Register. Here Register refers to the small block of memory available in CPU.
How ALU works?
Computer store and manipulate information in the form of binary number i.e.0 and 1. To accomplish arithmetic calculation ALU makes use of transistors because it switches to manipulate binary numbers. The operation is performed by connecting multiple transistors that are cascaded to control sequence of operations. State of one transistor depends on the state of the consecutive transistor. Different forms of logical gates are implemented in the circuitry of ALU to achieve desired results.
Functions of ALU:
Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Like Y=A+B
Addition performs on A and B and the result is stored into the Y.
A bitwise operation like AND, OR, Exclusive OR and one’s complement, Right shift, Arithmetic shift, logical shift etc.