Abhyanga Massage for Weight Loss


Abhyanga or Abhyanga is a traditional ayurvedic massage therapy providing innumerable health benefits. It’s healing holistically all the way from top to bottom by using warm Ayurvedic oil. The full-body massage is called Abhyanga. This provides energy and nourishment for the body that is equal to feeling appreciated and can provide the ability to live for a long time. There are many amazing benefits to taking part in Abhyanga. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that could be enjoyed through a regular and prolonged application of this. Anurag Ayurveda and panchakarma chikitsa Kendra provide the Best abhyanga treatment in Jaipur.

Weight loss and elimination of impurities

Obesity and weight gain are an issue in the world nowadays. A large amount of money is being spent on the aim of weight reduction treatment and diets for slimming. However, the majority of people are disappointed with the conclusion. When you perform this Ayurvedic massage as part of your weight loss program, you’ll get great results and have no negative side consequences. The oils that are medicated are used in Abhyanga massage work as a fat-burner, eliminating all impurities that are present in our bodies are eliminated by the massage that uses oil that is medicated.

Improved sleep through calming nerves

Abhyanga offers a wealth of benefits to the nervous system and the brain by nourishing them thoroughly. It brings peace to your mind and body. Our joints and skin are relaxed due to the meditative massage. The hands and arms that are gentle are a great way to feel the warmth as if we’re loved. It eases our worries and gives us a feeling of peace inside. It reduces the negative effects of aging by softening and smoothening the skin. Abyanga improves blood circulation and helps stimulate internal organs.

Indications & Contra-indications

Abyanga is a sign of neurological disorders, muscular disorders, impairment of the senses, etc.

Abyanga is not recommended for use in the Amavastha (a distinctive idea in Ayurveda treating biological toxic substances) and febrile conditions. acute inflammatory conditions, indigestion, etc.

Abhyanga treatment Procedures

Massage the warm oil on the head, the ear, and the sole area and proceed to the neck, upper back, forelimbs, shoulders abdomen, lower back, and finally, lower limbs. The treatment is performed in supine, sitting, and prone, as well as left lateral, right lateral, and lying down (not for all health situations) positions. In certain areas there is a circular massage however in some regions linear massage is recommended.

 After the treatment, wipe off the oil with towels or a bath. Rest for 15 minutes and then, after a proper rest, the patient is able to take a shower with Luke’s hot water.

Duration of Abhyanga Procedure

Most commonly, between 45 and 60 minutes over 7, 14 or 21 days, based on the medical health.


Although there’s not much research specifically on abhyanga, however, it has been used for hundreds of years. Many have reported benefits for their health and continue to practice this treatment.

The research confirms the benefits of general massaging. It is likely to play a part in the benefits that have been reported from abhyanga.

Reduce stress

In the tiny study from 2011, conducted by Trusted Source Researchers looked into the effects of abhyanga on stress levels in healthy adults.

Prior to receiving the abhyanga massage, participants completed a questionnaire about stress and was able to have their heart rate measured. Both tests were repeated at the end of the massage.

Researchers discovered that following the massage, participants’ stress levels as well as their heart rate dropped.

While more extensive, new studies are required to better understand the ways in which abhyanga reduces stress Other research has discovered similar advantages. 

The 2017 study looked at how a rhythmic massage using aromatic oils affects the autonomic nervous systems in healthy women in the age group of 44.

Stress adversely affects the system of autonomic nerves. It reduces the variability of heart rates. A low heart rate variability is a sign of greater stress levels, while higher variability is a sign of relaxation.

The study revealed that rhythmic massages resulted in long-term heart rate variability stimulation, which is an indication of relaxation. Aromatic oil also aids however, its effects were short-lived.

It is possible that the abhyanga which is also a form of massage, and oils, may provide similar benefits.

Lower blood pressure

In the 2011 study, titled Trusted Source Researchers also analyzed the blood pressure of the participants. After abhyanga treatment, the blood pressure fell in people who had prehypertension.

It could be related to the ways massage influences the circulation system. When you massage your body the blood vessels are enlarged. This increases blood flow and decreases blood vessel resistance which can improve blood pressure.

Yet, more research is required to understand the way abhyanga specifically influences blood pressure.

Improve skin health

According to abhyanga practitioners, the health of your skin is the main benefit of massage.

The oil is utilized to nourish the skin which is thought to improve appearance. Massage strokes are believed to

  • Increase blood flow to the skin
  • reduce the appearance of wrinkles cellulite and scars
  • enhance the skin’s softness and improve skin smoothness and
  • reduce hyperpigmentation

There’s some validity to these assertions. For instance one study, a 2018 study conducted by the Trusted Source discovered facial massagers boost blood flow through the skin. Another study from 2018 by Trusted Source also revealed that massages on scars diminish their appearance and increase their thickness.

However, there isn’t much evidence to support the benefits to the skin of massage. More research is needed to determine the ways that massage, such as abhyanga, can benefit the skin.

Reduce stiffness of muscles

Another alleged benefit of abhyanga is improved flexibility. It is believed to reduce stiffness and increase mobility through relaxing tight, shortened muscles.

For example, a 2017 study conducted by Trusted Source discovered that massage of the ankle improves joint flexibility. In the 2019 study by Trusted Source the researchers found that stretching with self-massage enhances mobility in the lower limbs.

A type of massage therapy, abhyanga might provide similar advantages. Further research is needed to better understand how abhyanga influences flexibility.

Encourages lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is an acknowledged benefit of any massage. Although scientists haven’t yet studied lymph flow and abhyanga, however, some believe it has an impact positive.

The lymphatic system helps eliminate the waste in your body. If you’ve had surgery or suffer from a medical condition and the fluids that are in your lymphatic system could be accumulated and cause swelling as well as the condition known as lymphedema.

Massage can help reduce lymphedema by encouraging the lymphatic drain. The physical pressure increases lymphatic vessels and promotes lymph flow.

Massage therapy has been utilized to lessen lymphedema after injuries, surgery, or radiation treatment.

To know more about the Best Shirodhara treatment in Jaipur, You must visit Anurag Ayurveda Kendra.