Why You Shouldn’t Buy Instagram Followers

The biggest question mark of Instagram users and brand managers is often “Should I buy followers?” It’s on the subject. According to our observations, users who do not have experience with Instagram boot follower losses make this mistake once in their lifetime. So why not buy followers? How does socialcaptain.co.uk increase followers? What happens if I buy followers? All of this and more are waiting for you in our article.


Can I Buy Instagram Followers? 

In recent years, brands or users often buy followers to increase their credibility and create in-demand page images. This fraudulent behavior doesn’t actually add to your image or business, but the affordability of Instagram followers makes it easy to choose this path. After a short Google search, you can come across many follower sites. Of course, we will examine all the details about the Instagram boot follower losses caused by these sites, but it is useful to mention a few points for these sites beforehand. Buying followers will damage your Instagram page, and it can also damage your credit card and even your computer. The credibility of the follower-selling sites, which Instagram opposes and fights for Instagram boot follower losses, is severely low.

When you want to buy followers for your account, you can be from your card balance. Moreover, it is only a matter of time before your computer is affected by viruses from advertising pages. These pages are pages with low credibility. If you want to buy followers despite all the impressions about the disadvantages of Instagram boot followers, we recommend that you do so with a virtual card and open firewall computer. We can say that the following classes are divided into domestic, foreign, organic, and place and you can also get feedback from UK Instagram Auto Likes. And they have a weird budget through gender, geography, and practice. But after dozens of bad actions by boot cheats, we are not sure whether your brand will have a reputation or trust.


Should I Buy Instagram Followers?

No way. We want you to know that Instagram boot follower losses will both destroy the reliability of your account and confuse your target audience and greatly mislead you in your future advertising efforts. Having boot likes and followers never means anything for an Instagram page on its own. Boot likes and follows do not turn into sales, do not improve your conversion rates, do not reduce your advertising costs, and even cause you to waste your ads due to incorrect target audience analysis. So what are the disadvantages of Instagram boot followers? Let’s talk about these damages in substance together;

You Access the Wrong Audience

First, let’s look at how Instagram to boot follower losses mislead target audience reach. Let’s take a look at the example of the global follower included in the purchase options. Let’s say you have a gym in Istanbul. You regularly produce content on Instagram. Why would a woman living in India see the contents of your gym in Istanbul? This is exactly what will happen if you buy followers. Someone from different parts of the world who is not your brand, product or even target audience will see your content. Even if you buy Turkish followers, this loss will not change. A woman living in Izmir will never be interested in your gym in Istanbul and will unfollow as soon as she notices it.


You Have Low Ad Performance

In addition, there is a low advertising performance in the category of Instagram boot follower losses. Your advertising work is planned to reach target audiences. Target audience work is very important for an ad to perform and use its budget in the most effective way. Before planning the ads of your Instagram account, you will want to analyze which audience you will advertise to. Who follows you on Instagram? What age range are your Instagram followers? From which locations do they arrive? Which of your content do they engage with the most? What time do they reach you? You have to answer dozens of questions like this. The answers to these questions are only in your page analysis. Both these data will mislead you and your content will not reach the intended audience.


You Have Misleading Statistics, You Make Wrong Analysis

To produce content on your Instagram page, you should frequently review the analytics of your followers. What age range and which geography you appeal to is very important during the content creation stage. You should analyze your target audiences in order for your content to be liked, your page to grow, and most importantly, to increase your conversion rates. So how will you analyze the page on the Instagram account with purchased followers? Which data can you trust? Let us give the answer; you can never trust the statistical data of the page with the purchased follower. Moreover, this data will not recover after a certain period and will continue to mislead your data until the followers are deleted from your account. Here, the Instagram boot follower losses also appeared at this stage and affected the quality of our content. The data of accounts with real followers gives serious clues about that account. If you read this data correctly, you can increase your conversions.


Alternatives to Buying Instagram Followers

We have come to the end of our article in which we share detailed information about the losses of buying followers and the consequences of these losses. Speaking of damages, we would like to make suggestions with a positive approach. If you want to increase your followers, become a strong and popular brand, and enter the radar of more people, we will briefly give you a few suggestions. First of all, don’t buy followers. Before designing and producing your content, do a detailed target audience study? Reach your target audience in the most effective way by advertising with the right content at the right time. Produce regular content and pay attention to competitor analysis. The biggest help to increase your organic followers will be through 3rd party referrals such as influencer marketing. Collaborate with brands, celebrities, or projects.

Lastly, make sure you read about the disadvantages of Instagram boot followers for social media management and ask, “Is this a follower account?” Don’t buy fake followers out of fear. You can work with soalcaptain.co.uk to increase organic followers. For detailed information, see “How to increase followers on Instagram?” You can read our article. You can be sure that it will grow your brand in a very powerful and effective way.