26 January Republic Day Short Speech, Welcome Speech 2020: Republic Day is just 15 days far away from today and mostly students have started searching for the Republic day speech source. We know that to find a correct, unique and best Republic Day Short Speech for Students in Hindi, 26 January Welcome Speech in Hindi is not easy. We also have experienced that we face so many problems while searching for the 26 January Republic Day Short Speech, Welcome Speech 2020.
So now you need not to worry about the Republic day because we have write 26 January Republic Day Short Speech 2020 in Marathi, Welcome Speech 2020 only for you. You can get ideas from these speech.
26 January Republic Day Welcome Speech

The Republic Day or 26 January is also celebrated as a National Festival like Independence day by the mostly people of India. The importance of this day is that a pledge was taken on 26th January, 1930 on the bank of river Ravi to attain ‘Swaraj’ was fulfilled on this day in the year 1950. But in 1930 we did not know that we will make our constitution in 1950.
But later India became a sovereign, democratic republic. On this day all Government offices, factories institutions and shops and establishments remain closed because of India celebration. This day is celebrated throughout the country. People assemble at one place and offer salute to the National Flag. This was tremendous moment for all of us.
Now a days Delhi people from different places come to witness the Republic day celebration at India Gate, which covers people all over the India. Pipe railings and strict Checking are fixed on both sides of the route from where the procession passes. This procession was too awesome, that possession motivated to all arena.
The entire route is decorated with National Flags, multicolored Balloons. A good sitting arrangement is made for the people to witness the parade. Arrangement are also done for VIP’s, Top Honchos and foreign dignitaries is made separately. There is also a very strict and tight security arrangement.
First of all Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji Salutes the martyrs and unknown soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate. That moment was really to awesome. After that the President comes to the saluting base escorted by his bodyguards mounted on horses.
Folk Dance will also be presented, so do not miss any moment of this day. Happy Republic day to all of you…

26 January Republic Day Welcome Speech 2020
Hello Guest, Teachers,
Dear Brothers and sisters of my country, First of All I would like to wish you all Happy Republic Day 2020. It has been my Privilege or my luck that I got an opportunity to speak in front of you all on this wonderful occasion. It has been 66 years from the day our constitution came into effect. So we are going to speak about the Republic Day and how we made our Indian Constitution.
Hello Friends,
I would like to say Happy Republic Day to all my loving sisters, Teacher and Brothers. Today is 26th January, and we know that this day we adopted the Indian constitution in the year 1950.
Although I am feeling lucky that i am express my views on the Republic day in the front of all of you. So please co operate with me.
Thank You
26 January Republic Day Short Speech, Welcome Speech 2020
This 26 January is 71st Republic day and most of the people will really watching the live show on the delhi Parade Ground. So all kids, and Students who are searching for the 26 January Republic Day Short Speech 2020, Welcome Speech 2020 they can concentrate here and grab the attention on this coming 26 January Republic Day Welcome Speech 2020.