How to get Traffic to your Blog Easily

How to get traffic to your blog is one of those questions which never seem to get conclusive answers. However, the process of increasing blog traffic requires dedication and the regular update of blog posts which can be quite an undertaking for busy individuals. To begin with, it is important to come up with quality blogs that are not only informative but interesting to read. This is because most people would rather watch an informative video than read informative content; one of the best ways to maintain the attention of your readers is to keep the articles short and straight to the point. Using videos and pictures to accompany blog posts has also proven to be one of the best ways to maintain blog readership.


Using social sites like Facebook and Twitter can also help to increase traffic to your blog. Let your social network friends know that your blog exists by creating a Fan page or Twitter account for your blog. Referrals have worked wonders for a number of blogs because web users will always share interesting content they find online with their friends and social network friends. You can also follow other blogs and comment on their work; this paves the way to refer them to your blog which is also another way to increase blog traffic.


Optimizing your blog posts by incorporating the right keywords is a great step towards search engine optimization. This helps to get your blog ranked, and ultimately helps web users to easily access your blog. Search engine optimization is also a time-consuming undertaking, but in the long run the benefits are usually worthwhile.


One of the other ways to increase blog traffic would be to submit your keyword-optimized posts to online article directories. There are several article directories online and they all help websites to rank higher on search engines through the creation of back links. Blog services can also be pinged, because there are a number of services that are used for connecting and tracking blogs. Always send out pings to various service providers, to let them know that your blog has been updated with new content.


It is very important to create links to your blog; the links can be built from your business website or blog to social media sites and online article databases. It is also beneficial to exchange links with other websites and blogs, which are relevant to the content that you post on your blog. Creating a buzz for the blog on local and online media is another way to market your blog and draw increased visitor traffic. This can be done by distributing bumper stickers and other material with your blog’s URL or including the blog URL to the emails you sent to clients or friends. Regular press releases can also be written in line with new developments with your business, to tie newsworthy content to your blog.


These are just a few of the methods to try out when searching for the answer on how to get traffic to your blog. On the advanced side, it would be beneficial to get the services of a good web developer to restructure your blog towards search engine optimization efforts.