How the Abu Dhabi Schools & UAE Education System Responded to Covid Crisis?

In the wake of the Covid-19 (Covid Crisis) outbreak, educational provision has been compelled to adapt. Schools have changed and altered in response to the substantial problems of preserving health & wellbeing, guaranteeing educational continuity, including providing social-emotional development and wellness assistance to their students and staff. Since each one of the Abu Dhabi schools is different, so is the way they have responded.

This unanticipated, unplanned, and quick move to remote learning with very little education and training, as well as, throughout many instances, access concerns, generated challenges for governments, regions, schools, instructors, students, including parents who had to figure out how to overcome them. It was a wonderful accomplishment on a global scale to make the transition from face-to-face to remote teaching in a matter of a few months, but Abu Dhabi schools used the best methods and gracefully adopted the new online teaching techniques.

UAE is moving faster than others

Because education is the core component of a nation’s development and the single most significant investment in its upcoming generations, the experts explained that national agendas for the United Arab Emirates’ Vision 2021 were centered on the development of something like the schooling institutions and upgrading it to comply with the best practices currently in use in the field.

Compared to other countries, Abu Dhabi schools are evolving at a much faster rate in terms of education. UAE is known for quick development from infrastructure to technology implementation. Abu Dhabi is integrating advanced technology and strategizing education infrastructure into its schooling system to help students with better learning experiences and opportunities in the future.

Adoption of Technology

Even education is not immune to the effects of technology, which has permeated practically every area of modern life today. Google and Wikipedia, among other resources, have made it easier for youngsters to access information and facts as they formerly did with teachers’ help. With the vast amount of information accessible at their fingertips, children have unprecedented access to knowledge. Learners all across the world are collaborating on tablets to replace traditional textbooks. When it comes to learning, talking, and working cooperatively, classroom walls are no longer a hindrance, thanks to advances in technology. There has been an increase in the popularity of online schooling and it is being preferred during admissions in Indian high schools, over physical schooling in Abu Dhabi schools.

Handling the complexities of this Shift

The online classes are still perceived as most complicated and costly, even when subscriptions, as well as other online payment methods, are in place. Users are scared of the susceptibility of being duped by unscrupulous individuals or organizations. Abu Dhabi schools attempt to promote a universal system of compliance with privacy, security, and regulatory standards.

Also, it is focused on Students learning soft skills and building human ties as a result of studying in a group situation. Teachers are well aware that living electronically through social networking sites is neither a suitable nor an adequate alternative for real-life experiences. So, Students and parents work together to guarantee that real-life human interactions are still promoted and appreciated in today’s society.

Parents Contribution

On top of the assistance from the best Abu Dhabi schools, parents are in the teaching process. This is particularly tough in families where both parents are working, but corporations are adopting flexible work hours or remote working for their employees to alleviate this issue and capitalize on the advantages gained during the lockdown.

During the Indian high school admission process, the institutions place a high value on the professional progress of the parents, to ensure that they are up to speed with all teaching staff members on the most recent teaching approaches and best practices in education. Teachers receive training on how to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) into their classes, how to run their classrooms successfully, and are provided opportunities to participate in active research in the classroom. Instead of providing teachers with generic training, schools are instead providing them with tailored training based on their specific requirements.

Content & Methods of teaching

Content for new learning programs is created with the latest applications from startups and major companies in the industry, as well as smarter methods are being used to make teaching and learning more enjoyable and easy using interactive tools. Increased access to education will result in greater opportunities, hence kids from all areas are encouraged to adopt these tools and apps to receive the same high-quality education that children in even the most developed countries already enjoy.

As technology and the academic infrastructure is making seamless education a reality we cannot avoid but accept the fact that technological tools, including laptops, tablets, as well as internet connections, are becoming a part of our fundamental human requirements rather than luxury things and Abu Dhabi schools are winning at making this transition and adoption easier and simpler.