Full Form of SKU

Full Form of SKU:

Stock Keeping Unit

SKU Full Form is Stock Keeping Unit. SKU refers to the unique identification code allotted to a product that is in stock in a store. This code is used to track a particular product for purposes related to inventory. Usually, a SKU code consists of both alphabets and numerical digits. A product is allotted a SKU by the merchant. This helps the merchants to keep an efficient track record of the amount of individually variant products available in the stock and amount of items sold.

An SKU code contains distinguished features of a product. These features may include information about the manufacturer, size, packaging, color, warranty terms of the product. But SKU

should not be confused with the product’s model number. However, the product’s model number may contribute to the formation of the whole or some certain part of SKU. For example, if a shirt’s model number or style number is 5063 and its size is 38, then it may have the SKU of 5063-38

Full Form of SKU
Full Form of SKU

An SKU may be either visible or invisible to the customers. They are often attached to the products as a bar code that can only be read by code-reading machines. SKUs are not standard codes and they are not at all regularized. It means that after buying a product, a company can change the SKU allotted by the vendor.