Full Form of AWOL

Full Form of AWOL

Absence Without Official Leave

AWOL Full Form is Absence Without Official Leave. AWOL is essentially a popular military term used in the United States for the purposes of describing a soldier or any other military personnel who is absent from work without any official permission. It is usually used to express disapproval, as it reflects disagreements with the official orders. This is one of the many examples from the Military vocabulary that have trickled down into our daily conversations. It is now part of the colloquial as well as formal conversations.

Full Form of AWOL
Full Form of AWOL


AWOL has a generic use today, not limited to the military. It is generally used to refer to an occasion where an employee is absent from work without seeking proper permission. It is extensively used in corporate culture, usually in a negative sense. In the United States, the corporations consider AWOL a form of misconduct, which creates a negative impact on the organization of work.


The whole concept of AWOL raises great challenges and adds to the rise of absenteeism. AWOL poses great challenges to any country and has invited scrutiny of lawmakers and the governments. Some general recommendations have been made to curb the instances of AWOL such as imposing an appropriate penalty, usually in the form of pay cuts or reduction in promotion opportunities.