Full Form of ACS
American Chemical Society
ACS Full Form is American Chemical Society. The ACS or American Chemical Society is a scientific community that supports scientific research in the area of chemistry. The foundation of this society was laid in the year 1876 at the University of New York. It has over one hundred thousand members at all levels of degree and in all areas of chemical engineering and chemistry. On the basis of membership, it is the biggest scientific society of the world. Its head office is present in Washington DC. The technical divisions of the ACS were established in the year 1908 for fostering information exchange among researchers and scientists who have professional interests or work in a certain chemistry field.

The divisional activities consist of administrating lectureships and awards, publishing resources and books, organizing sessions at the meetings of the ACS, and conducting additional events. Originally, there were 5 divisions in this society. This includes food and agricultural chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic and physical chemistry, chemical engineers and industrial chemists, and fertilizer chemistry. There are thirty-two divisions as of the year 2016, and includes polymer chemistry, medicinal chemistry, geochemistry, chemical toxicology, chemical education, carbohydrate chemistry, analytical chemistry and much more.
The biggest division of the ACS is the division of organic chemistry. Its main activity consists of organizing poster sessions and talks at the national meetings of this society that are held biannually. The main purpose of these meetings is to recognize outstanding contributors, talented researchers, and assistant professors in the organic chemistry field. The winners of the national awards are also honored in these meetings