Full Form of FDMA

Full Form of FDMA

Frequency Division Multiple Access

FDMA Full Form is Frequency Division Multiple Access. The method used for accessing a channel is called FDMA or Frequency Division Multiple Access. It is used as a channelization protocol in multiple-access protocols. It allocates either one or more channels or frequency bands to the users. It is usually used in satellite communication. FDMA helps in coordinating access between numerous users and is similar to other systems with multiple accesses. There are different ways of utilizing these protocols on various levels of the OSI model.

Full Form of FDMA
Full Form of FDMA


The frequency channel or the satellite transponder is shared by all users simultaneously in FDMA. Each user uses a single frequency for transmission. It can be utilized with digital signals as well as analogue signals. The radio hardware using FDMA needs filters that provide high performance. The same is not required in the case of CDMA and TDMA. The FDMA does not suffer from timing problems. During the entire communication period, a pre-determined band of frequency is present, and hence the stream data can be utilized effectively with this method.


The FDD or frequency division duplexing is different from FDMA. In the case of FDMA, numerous users can access a transmission system without any problem. On the other hand, the FDD involves the sharing of the radio channels between the downlink and the uplink. Similarly, FDMA is different from FDM or frequency division multiplexing. FDM is a technique employed by the physical layer that helps by combining and transmitting channels of low bandwidth through a channel of high bandwidth. On the other hand, FDMS is a method employed by the data link layer. The major disadvantage of FDMA is crosstalk. It may cause transmission disruptions and frequency interference.