Few Lines on Republic Day in Hindi – Lines on Republic Day in English: Hey! Dear people. How are you all doing? Fine! That’s great! The new year 2020 is almost here with more new colours, new desires, new ideas, new innovations and of course new festivals. Like every year, the much awaited Republic day 2020 is almost here. And are you looking for the coolest yet a trendy way to celebrate your republic day. If yes, then you are at the most righteous place. Here we shall be presenting lines on republic day to you. Some beautiful yet breath-taking lines on republic day are here to grace your republic day. Here you get a collection of 10 lines on republic day. You can use these few lines on republic day to present in your school/college republic day celebration or you can share these republic day lines with your friends/teachers/family/relatives. So feel free to go through all the lines on republic day. And choose the ones which reach to your heart. And celebrate this republic day with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm and our five lines on republic day. Don’t forget to explore all the lines for republic day. The ten lines on republic day are beautifully written for you so that you can proudly present these lines in your school’s cultural event or in some school activity.

Few Lines On Republic Day In English and Hindi
All you need to do is go through all the 5 lines on republic day. We have upto 5 lines on republic day in english. So feel free to got though all the few lines on republic day in english. And pick any number of lines on republic day in english. And spread love and patriotism with our few lines on republic day in hindi. Yes, you heard it right we also have some lines on republic day in Hindi. So without any doubt, don’t shy away from sharing these five lines on republic day. Impress your teachers with these lines for republic day. And make your parents proud of the fact that you love your nation with these ten lines on republic day. The republic day is a very special day in the history of Indian struggle for freedom and democracy. And we have tried to compile up every possible thing in just 5 lines on republic day. Nevertheless, you are surely going to feel blessed to be born in India after going through all these few lines on republic day in english. So just go through the few lines on republic day in english. Go through these few lines on republic day in english. Let everyone know that you love your motherland India with these lines on republic day in english. So invest your precious time in reading our few lines on republic day in hindi.
Few Lines On Republic Day In Hindi
दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को जिस से तेरी शान हैं……,
सर हमेशा ऊँचा रखना इसका, जब तक दिल में जान हैं।
वन्दे मातरम
आन देश की शान देश की, देश की हम संतान हैं,
तीन रंगों से रंगा तिरंगा, अपनी ये पहचान है!
मुकुट हिमालय
हृदय में तिरंगा
आँचल में गंगा लायी हैं
सब पुण्य, कला और
रत्न लुटाने देखो
भारत माता आयी हैं
भारत माता की जय
Few Lines On Republic Day In English
This is the country of colours and faith in spirituals.
Lets this Republic day reminds us for the work and
Life given by our leaders to safe and happy life.
Happy Republic Day 2020
Let us pray for
The prosperity and unity of our country
On this republic day
As we remember those who fought
To give us the freedom.
Vande Mataram
Final Say-
Thank you for going through all the lines on republic day in english. I felt immense pleasure in bringing to you few lines on republic day in hindi. And if you liked our five lines on republic day. Then feel free to go through and explore all the lines for Republic day. And then share these beautiful ten lines on republic day with your friends and teachers on social media. And also spread love and patriotism with our Few lines on republic day. And your suggestions and feedback are also welcome regarding our few lines on republic day in english.
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